Therapy Roulette

Accidentally High on CBD, Female Comedians, & Indie Podcasts w/ Rocky Powell

Michele Baci / Rocky Powell Season 1 Episode 132

Michele is BACK after a brief hiatus and a trip home to New York. Comedian and voiceover artist Rocky Powell tells us about her podcast Wild Nights. The gals swap tips on getting back into the comedy scene after taking time off. Rocky shares that she started therapy after a breakup, waiting out her apartment lease with her ex, returning to the dating world, and why some guys just didn’t work out. She tells us about finding herself high (her mom too!) on some strong CBD. Rocky talks about her future plans to build a career in radio. Both Rocky and Michele discuss bringing more females into comedy for some good ol’ gender equality. They discuss the rise of crime on the NYC subway. Rocky shares that she’s obsessed with the reality TV show Big Brother. 

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Listen to Wild Nights with Rocky Powell – new episodes Mondays at 12pm EST 

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Theme music by Hannah Fairchild

Spotify: Hannah Vs. The Many

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Theme Song:

Therapy Roulette Consent to Vent / Trauma disguised as comedy / Therapy Roulette: Consent to Vent / If you dont have problems, then youre likely repressing sh*t and you should find a therapist/ (Whos not me)

Michele Baci:

Hey, I'm back. My name is Michele Baci, and I am coming back from a hiatus. I took a month off from the podcast. And it was a great idea. It was restorative. I am glad took that note of inspiration from various internet sources, Etsy shops, Twitter's social media breaks, I took a fucking break. I deserved it. And here I am. I've returned to you faithful audience. I hope you're still there. Please tell me anyone is anyone out there. I was in New York, where I'm from visiting my friends and family. For two weeks, I went with Joseph my boyfriend's. And mostly my mo while I was over there was hanging out with friends and family, maximize your time, especially with family. Because blood, you know, can't stay far away from blood. So I hung out a lot with my parents, with my brother, my cousins, my aunts and uncles, very close friends who feel like family know them way to hell. And that was it and that otherwise played tourists taking Joseph around because he hasn't been to New York too often easily been there two other times. We went to five museums, which is quite a lot. I don't know if I could do that again in one trip. But you know, really got my dose of culture. I think my favorite one was the Museum of Natural History in New York City. You can't be the Museum of Natural History, it just has a lot of childlike wonder. And I guess the museum's always pretty much the same. They do have some new exhibits, special exhibitions going on that are educational. And I guess of the moment I signed up for all of them and attended three out of the four that I signed up for the space one a little too much for me, I gotta say the Spaceman kind of rocked me, made me feel like a speck of dust in the universe. And it's humbling. But I don't know if I was in the right place to take in that information. So thanks. Thanks. Space exhibit Hayden Planetarium. I don't know if you're in New York, go check out the dinosaur bones and there's some nerdy little kids running around school in their grandma's it's, it's a great place to be. I went with the whole family. And Joseph and we just had a great time. did a lot of walking. ate so much food. Brought back. bagels, still eating the pickles. Every car was worth it. No regrets. Never when you're in when you're traveling, you have no regrets while you're eating. You know, you eat you drink. You order dessert. You do that every day. Every meals, eaten snacks, everything. I mean, I treated it like a vacation. Although it was not relaxing in the slightest. You know, being around family is not relaxing. You just feel like you're a child. And I was trying to pack everything in even though I had a two week span to do whatever I wanted. I was working a lot, brought my laptop with me and did my job remotely took some time off but mostly put in pretty decent work days. So I wasn't. I wasn't relaxing. I wasn't sleeping a lot. That'll be for another vacation. The summers. Yeah, we got time. But thank you, to your audience for allowing me the space to take a break. I'm here. I'm ready to give you my all once again. And we're gonna come back with bi weekly episodes. So this episodes dropping on Thursday. The next episode will come out into Thursday. So you can expect to brand new episodes of Therapy Roulette every other week to hit your podcast app of choice. By the way, if you're listening, please leave a review any amount of stars. I'm not even going to beg you for five stars, whatever you want. You know, reviews help. A little bit of wordage Michele is blank blank. This podcast is blank blank. It all goes a long way. Reviews. make the world go round. Yeah, I don't have a ton to spell about my trip. I am still tired. The exhaustion level is steady. So we're just gonna get into the interview for the week. I had the pleasure of talking to a New Yorker. Although we recorded remotely I hope to meet her in person someday. I interview rocky pal. She is a comedian, a voiceover artist and a podcaster. She has her own podcast called Wild nights with rocky Powell. I'd like to welcome to the podcast Rocky Powell

Theme Song:

guest interview / a friend for you /

Michele Baci:

this person has problems that they don't mind discussing, and but they still need a therapist. Who's not me. I'm here with rocky pal. She is a comedian, a podcaster. She's in New York. So I am incredibly jealous, Rocky, welcome to Therapy Roulette.

Rocky Powell:

Thank you so much for having me. I'm really excited, of course,

Michele Baci:

and I want to definitely talk about your podcast. We could do it in the beginning, or we could do it later. But it's called Wild nights with rocky powell. And I love the concept. It's like, tell me something crazy that happened to you. It's like, tell a story.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah. So basically, I try to always have entertainers, comedians, people that you know, are going to give a good story. And what I tell people when I book them, is I don't care how wild your story is, or how tame it is. Just as long as it's wild to you and that you enjoy retelling it because there's nothing like I don't want anybody coming and being like, Oh my god, and then we got this horrible car accident and four people died like not that kind of wild, like an enjoyable wild story. So yeah, that's what I tell people to do. And I started it basically because I as you know, New York comedy is so much fun. And I really missed the like post improv show hangs and going to see people stand up and everything. So in December of 2020, I was like, You know what, I think it's time to start this podcast. I'd wanted to do it for a while, but it was just mainly because I missed comedy.

Michele Baci:

Oh, nice. So it's like a pandemic born podcast. Yes. Yes. Very cool. So as Therapy Roulette, it's like, you know, a long idea brewing in my head and COVID hit and I was like, I have no excuses anymore. I shall Yeah. Like, got me off my off my couch and bought a microphone. And here we are.

Rocky Powell:

Yes, absolutely. I had a microphone, luckily, because I do voiceovers, too. So I Oh, nice. I already had that. And then I had the skills of editing my voiceover audition. So I'm like, I can edit and I have a microphone. Let's do it. Now. It's so easy for anybody to do a podcast. So it's great.

Michele Baci:

Very cool. Do you? Do you let the guests like premeditate? What story they want to tell.

Rocky Powell:

So yeah, I always try and tell them if they don't, if they're like, Oh, I'm thinking of one. I've been pretty trusting. There have been a few people who will tell me like, oh, I've got a couple. I don't ask them the story beforehand. The only thing I asked beforehand is for one word to sum up their story. And I call that the wild word. And so we kind of like banter a little bit in the beginning. And then I segue into their story with the wild word. I never really know how I'm going to do that. I always just figure it out. Yeah, that's all I know about the story ahead of time.

Michele Baci:

That's good. So you don't have to get like a rehashing where you're a little too caught up. It's more fresh to you.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah, yeah. I've had people ask me like, I have the story about this. And I have this story about this. And then then sometimes I choose, but as far as the details, I hear them in real time.

Michele Baci:

And what was the so the inspiration was like, after improv show, hang maybe catching up at a bar just in the city? Do you have a wild night you'd like to give us a taste of like a recent one or your favorite? Um,

Rocky Powell:

well actually, yeah, I can definitely give you a taste. It was the the inspiration from starting it. I'm a party girl. I always have been I love to go out and have a good time. I love to throw huge party is that's like kind of I have a reputation for throwing like really big parties, especially like really big birthday parties and stuff. So I always I'm always down to party. So

Michele Baci:

fun friend.

Rocky Powell:

I like to think so. So the inspiration was kind of between missing being a little wild and missing comedians in general. So I mesh the two together. Um, and I guess well, things, you know, obviously we took a big backseat to partying because of COVID. But I went out with one of my girlfriends who I'm extremely close with. We went out on Friday night, and I would say things got pretty crazy. We went out it started really tame but we're both kind of like can handle our wine so we have a glass of wine at her place. And then she just asked me to be in her wedding party. So she got me like as the bridesmaid gift. She got me one of these two go wine cups. So we filled those on our walk to the restaurant and drank those and then I had two more glasses of wine at the restaurant, and we're both like keeping up with each other. Yeah. And we're like, oh, we're gonna go to another friend's party. So we go home walk her dogs now at this point where I think four glasses of wine deep, and then we have another glass at her house, we get an Uber to what I thought was gonna be a party. But it wasn't, um, it was just a smaller gathering. But I when I was asked to come to this party, I was told like, this is going to be a party over I'm having some people over and I just assumed it was a party. And so my friend and I go, and first of all, we think we're in front of his house. We're not we're like down the street sitting on someone's stoop while they're screaming, there's a couple screaming at each other. And we're just like these two drunk girls on our fifth glass of wine like on this random, stupid Bed Stuy. And so, finally, we realized, okay, we're not at the right house. We walked down to get to his house. As we get to his house. He's shuffling. There's about five people over there. He's shuffling everybody out of the house. Because the next door neighbor, I guess they were partying next door, took an empty pineapple can and hurled it over the fence and hit one of my friends that was in the backyard in the head. So he's like, You guys gotta go. I gotta take care of this. Oh, no, yeah. And then we went to my, my other friend who was on her way there. We went to her terrace. And I think we drank to like 230 in the morning. And we're just like, loud and screaming. And there's a lot of brownout moments for me that I just remember being like, okay, New York City and fun. are both back, baby.

Michele Baci:

Yeah, the whole scene is like coming back to life. Yes, yes. Yes, for sure. That's like a lot. That's like the little medical drama like the pineapple can hit someone. Why, how what was the impetus behind that throw? But then it goes back to like, we just resumed somewhere else.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah, yeah. I mean, he's the host of the get together. He had to handle that. But he kind of was like, I'm so sorry, guys. But I got to, and I think he was trying to do it without getting the cops involved. Because it can you never know what's going to happen with them there. So I think he was trying to be careful of that and handle it on his own. But it was just like to get somewhere and already be kind of browning out and be like, Oh, he just got hit in the head. Pineapple can like you gotta go. So that was my Friday night.

Michele Baci:

Yeah, that's pretty good. I mean, I first of all, like and marveled by the fact he could drink multiple glasses of wine and continue, because I would get so sleepy from like, I think I'm just out of practice, you know? Right, right. Right, right. Yeah. To build your tolerance back up. A bit out of New York for too long. I'm telling you, LA is like, LA is like, oh, the sun is down. We are done. It's very, it's very different. Like, at least by day to day life. It's very much like we go to sleep. We wake up, we kind of are farmers in a way. Check. Gotcha. Okay, that's interesting. Yeah, but I'm not I'm not really out doing comedy right now. So I'm sure it'd be different if I was like, in the heart of the city. Yeah. Yeah, I've become more of a homebody. I'm living in Long Beach. So I'm like, on the outskirts. But that's still it's probably really beautiful there in Long Beach. Yeah, it's beautiful. It's like, artsy, and skater hipster vibes. It's something different. Yeah. That's really cool, though. Yeah, it's, it's a taste of California. I probably won't stay forever. But for now.

Rocky Powell:

Do you think that you're going to do comedy shows? Or have you just gotten comfortable doing the zoom stuff, and it's easier?

Michele Baci:

I've kind of just like, step back from it. I did one zoom show the whole pandemic and focus on this podcast. And now I'm trying to go back into writing and figure out what I want to write how I want that to be filmed or portrayed. Like, what? What kind of scripted my writing. And I wanted to stand up again, I just kind of am rusty. So I'd have to dip my toes back in. Yeah, for sure. For sure. Yeah. And I'm afraid everything's changed. And it's a whole new world. I'm sure. It's like not that scary. I'm just I'm overthinking it.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah, you probably just have to jump right back in and like, get your toes wet. But I can imagine it's hard. You know, I'm going to be doing my first improv show next Saturday, for the first time in over a year. That's not on zoom. So I'm a little nervous too, but it's the same thing. It's like, okay, eventually I have to jump so why not just now?

Michele Baci:

Yeah, I'm still doing those like, literal baby steps of like, I'm going to restaurants. I'm talking to other people. Do we like these? Like, I'm becoming a person to get thing? Yeah. And then it'll be comedy. Next. You're getting acclimated. Yeah. Tell us about mental health. Are you in therapy? Do you do therapy? What's your relationship to it?

Rocky Powell:

So my relationship with therapy? I am no longer in therapy. Um, I was it's funny, actually. So I'll start from the beginning. I I started going to therapy. I want to say it was um, The Summer of 20, maybe summer of 2019, or, or, you know, late spring of 2019. And I did it, because I had just gotten out of a well, not just but it was like, I was like a year, year and a half out of a really long term relationship and getting over the breakup. And, um, you know, I had my own apartment with him. We lived together for over eight years and 10 years. Wow, yeah, we were together for almost a decade. And so basically my entire 20s. And so when we broke up, I had to go live with roommates. And I lived with her and I was in my I just turned 30. And I was like living with roommates who were way younger than me. And it was making me feel super bad about myself, especially like my friends are all reaching those next chapters in their lives that I thought me and my ex were going to be hitting at the same time. And it just like, was not the direction I saw my life going in. And it's you know, it could have been a way worse situation. Now, my apartment is incredible. I live with my roommate, who's my friend and my little brother, and we have a place it's huge, and it's very homey. But when you first move in, you're like, I don't know, these girls were not the same vibe, even though they're super nice. You know, we don't have anything in common and it doesn't feel like home. Yeah. And also I was you know, really consumed with like, our he and I gotta get back together. What's the you know, what is he doing? I was like consumed with his life. And I wasn't focusing on myself. And so there was a period where I didn't drink for 90 days. Just to kind of clear my head, I made sure I meditated every single day like I was really I was journaling. I was doing like a gratitude journal. I was watching a lot of YouTube videos, I was doing a lot of things that were the right thing to do. But at the end of the day, when something is consuming you like the way my breakup was, I needed professional help. And I couldn't you know, your friends, I have great friends and they would literally Listen to me every single day. But that's, you don't want to be that friend. You don't want to be the friend who everybody like it's like, oh, Rocky's here and all she's going to do is talk about her breakup. So I, I went to psych. Yeah, and I didn't want to be that person. Because people even if they love you, they do get, you know, a little resentful.

Michele Baci:

Yeah, so I know, from experience, you can only take like, a little bit of that. Otherwise, you're like, come on, it's been however long. It's been like, let's keep going. Yeah, you want to snap your friend out of it?

Rocky Powell:

Absolutely. And or, you know, they're walking on eggshells around me because like, I'm probably gonna cry at the drop of a hat, things like that. And so I, um, I eventually went to Psychology Today, I think is the website. And I kind of just saw who could take my insurance or if there was anybody I could go to. Yeah. And so I found someone who actually was a grad student, she was about to be a therapist. But she was a grad student. And you

Michele Baci:

can tell that from you could tell from the profile.

Rocky Powell:

Well, yeah, like she wasn't quite a doctor yet. But this her being my therapist was, um, her internship. Okay, so I still paid I think it was a paid internship because I paid her $50 for a 45 minute session every Sunday, but she wasn't a doctor yet. And I went to her and she was younger than me. I think she was like, in her early 20s, or not early, but maybe mid 20s 2526. And so at first, like, she was really pretty, which has nothing to do with, like, she was like, really pretty and really young. Yeah. And so I was like, You maybe you're wary of that.

Michele Baci:

Like, why is she so pretty? And you know, do I trust her?

Rocky Powell:

Isn't that terrible? Like, but that's just, I mean, that's just my truth. Like, I was like, Oh my god, she's like, so pretty. And she's a young therapist, and I'm older than her and like, does she think I'm a fucking loser? Can

Michele Baci:

I swear? Yeah, go ahead.


Like I didn't even ask, but it's, it's kind

Michele Baci:

of like a weird hypnotism playing out where you're like, do I trust her because she's beautiful, or is she actually smart and good at her job? I don't know.

Rocky Powell:

And she was, she was so compassionate. I remember, I would tell her. There were things. At first, it was just about the breakup, the breakup, the breakup, the breakup, but then, you know, you're like, oh, wow, I spent a whole therapy session not talking about my breakup. And it was hard to because my ex, he was still in my world. It wasn't like, you know, we didn't break up and then he moved over here. And I moved over here. We were like, seeing each other with the exact same friend group, and we were in the same comedy circle, so it was super difficult. Um, so I would tell her like some of the things I would do are about like men I would hook up with or whatever. And I remember there was one thing I told her and I was expecting, like, so much judgment, but then I said, Rocky, you're paying this woman to help you. Like, sort out your shit, you have to tell her the truth. And I told her and she was just so non judgmental, she was so cool about it. And then I just was like, Oh, I can tell her anything. And then you know, you start getting into family stuff, which I'm like, Oh, I, my family's fine. We're all good. But it's like, No, you actually do need to talk about this childhood stuff. And you do need to talk about this thing that bothered you. And, um, she really helped me get out of my shell. And by the last two or three months of working with her, it was very little about the breakup, and more so just about, like, getting me mentally healthy and strong. And, um, she told me in March, it was like, I think it was the week before we shut down for COVID. She told me, you know, my internship is ending in two months, and I might be working with this company still, or I might, or this practice, I should say, not company. Um, I might be working with this practice, but I might get, you know, a job somewhere else. So I just, it's not over yet. But I just want to keep that in mind with you. If you want to continue to work with me, it might be a different price. I won't have control over that. And she told me that like the week before, COVID, and then COVID hit and obviously, and I didn't go back and I didn't really feel. I mean, I didn't really feel like I wanted to go back because I felt like she'd given me so many tools, even though I think therapy is really important for everyone. Um, she'd given me so many tools that I felt like I was good for a while. It was Yeah, necessity expense

Michele Baci:

like you did. It sounds like you put it in a good amount of time, like getting over the shock of the breakup, reorganizing your life, and then also going like, oh, let me get like that intro to therapy. Let me break down my brain a little bit and see what's going on.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah, that's basically what happened. So I can't recommend therapy enough to people, especially anybody who's like struggling with a specific life event.

Michele Baci:

Yeah. When you feel when you feel stuck. I feel like that's when you should go on psychology today. Yeah, I felt stuck. That was a perfect way to put it. I felt stuck. That's awesome. You stuck with it long enough to like reap the benefits and prepare you for the pandemic? I like yeah, that's

Rocky Powell:

awesome. I was able to kind of just like, chill throughout the pandemic, we, you know, we had a lot of space. We weren't on top of each other. But we like this. My brother, my roommate, like, we'd like the same shows. We, you know, would eat meals together. Like we we really got through this together. But yeah, I don't know how I would have done that without therapy.

Michele Baci:

Is there anything about the therapist? That was, like, really awesome, or really annoying when she likes to she have any quirks or tics?

Rocky Powell:

Um, nothing annoying about her. I know. Yeah, there wasn't really anything annoying about her. I wish I had some juice for you. But she was just, she was compassionate. She would. She wouldn't like go into details about her life, obviously. But she would do things like, you know, I if I can? What was the term she used? You'd be like, if I can self share or sell something, if I would give her like, tell her something about my life, she would compare it to something in her life to show me that like, you're not alone. This happens to other people in this way. Blah, blah, blah. Okay. She was really just like, she was an empathetic person. Um, who was really good at guiding me.

Michele Baci:

She was a good grad student. That's a hard find rate. Yeah. Great grad student. Student I asked because so much of therapy is like a personality match. It's like, you know, is this person all they're like, are they together with their own life? Because that's a big question. And then right, you have to make sure they mesh with you. And they understand you too. Yeah, really worked out for you.

Rocky Powell:

It did, I got really lucky because I've heard similar things to I've heard people have a therapist, and they're like, it's not a good match. And then you know, if you do a lot of time with a therapist, and you got to catch up the new therapist, and it's just a vicious cycle if you can't find a good match. So she was, she was a good match to the point where I think if I ever decide to go back to therapy, I might actively look for her. Yeah. And like meet her at this stage in my life or whatever stage I'm not when if I need to go back or when I go back.

Michele Baci:

I think holding on to people is important with that, like you could reach out to her if she's available. Or she might have a referral. You know, she might have a trusted coworker. And yeah, that's better than starting from square one again. Yeah, totally. Totally. Very cool. And then so that sounds like a brutal breakup. Were you able to like get back out there and meet other people? Or did you really have to take a lot of time for yourself? Um, well,

Rocky Powell:

I would say, like, right at the beginning, it was really hard because we lived together for 11 months after we broke up. We like broke up a month or 11 bodies. Yeah, we like separated our lease was up June 1, and we separated in like July,

Michele Baci:

New York City breakups, like so rough.

Rocky Powell:

I know. I know. And we were also like, you know, he was my best friend, actually, like, we're pretty close friends. Now, if that's healthy or not, I would have to ask a therapist. But yeah, like, it's definitely been a long road to get to where we are now. But yeah, it was really hard. I would say like, the first month after we separated, I, like hit the Tinder streets hard and like, hooked up with a really hot guy who ended up being a con artist. So that was okay.

Michele Baci:

Crazy. That's like another problem.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah, I was like, I mean, you caught me all you want, bro. You're not getting any money. Like there's nothing to take. You recognize

Michele Baci:

it? That's good.

Rocky Powell:

Well, I actually didn't I was telling my a couple of my girlfriends the stories and they weren't I was just so green about dating and then try ended up like looking online and figuring out that he was he was in fact a con artist. But then I don't think I'm you know, I might have gone on like one other date while we were still living together. But then I really hit the ground running after her. After I got my own place.

Michele Baci:

I was like, okay, after you got that? Yeah, separation of, we don't have to share living space anymore.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah, then I would say, um, you know, there were a couple guys where you're like, oh, maybe this will be something maybe it won't. But I haven't like found anybody that it's worked out with longer than like, six weeks.

Michele Baci:

Yeah. It's hard in New York, because it's kind of like, you're surrounded by too many people in general. It's hard to like really good go long term dating in New York City. In my experience.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah. Yeah, it is. Or like, you know, I sometimes think I was, like, a little too picky with guys. You know, if it was a guy I really liked then he wasn't like, emotionally mature to take the next step or, you know, I would get like ghosted or something. It's like, bro, I'm gonna have to see you. We know the same people like don't fucking ghost me. But then there would be like, I remember, there was a guy I really liked. We had gone on a few dates and I and he had his shit together for the most part. But then I remembered after we had had sex, and we were laying in the bed, he put his arm around me, and his arm was so tiny. I like I was like, Ah, man, I didn't feel safe like nothing about him that made me feel safe. And I just I was like, I got in this that's a bummer because I like all this other stuff. It's funny

Michele Baci:

was it just just his arm was tidy, or like he is a person was too small for you.

Rocky Powell:

He was like five, nine, which is not too small for me at all. But I guess I guess I learned in that moment that I need a little more bulk in the arm because I it was like, my vagina shriveled up after I saw that. I was like, Oh, God, I didn't even notice.

Michele Baci:

Yeah, which is terrible, but and hopefully you told him something different. You're like, this just isn't working out. You know, your bird arms are doing

Rocky Powell:

that I think he lost his job. Like, two or three days. He had a really good job. And then he lost his job, like two or three days after we had had sex for the first time because we didn't have sex on the first day. Yeah, um, but which I was like, oh, cuz I actually, like really liked this guy. I'm not gonna sleep with him on the first day. Not that you can't like someone night sleeping on first date, but you know what I'm saying? And so I was trying to play in the long game to make it. Yeah, I was trying to make it something and play a little like, have a little Chase. But after we had had sex, I think like two or three days later, he got laid off. And then when I said to him, you know, what, what's your plan? Which is probably not a question I would ask post COVID but pre COVID I'm like, we can't both be vagabonds, bro. Like I'm gonna need you to have a 401k

Michele Baci:

Yeah, you're looking for some security or like, at least ambition.

Rocky Powell:

Absolutely. And he just seemed like he was like, yeah, wherever the wind takes me and then I think we the texting just kind of fizzled out and we couldn't find a day and then I got like, you know, I was like, Well, I don't know. The arms I was like, maybe this is a good out so being a ghosting situation, but it kinda was a fizzle. Yeah.

Michele Baci:

Which I prefer a fizzle like I think that's more natural. Just let it go. We're all busy. So we're all busy. You don't have to do a brutal except for him because he was he is going off the wind. You don't have to do that. Like that awkward. impromptu break up text where it's like no one asked for this. Why are you doing this to me? So yeah, yeah, a natural way to go. Natural physical. Very nice. What What do you do when you're not doing podcasting or doing improv? Do you have Do you have like an art that you pursue or you're into performing arts?

Rocky Powell:

Yeah, so I went to school for theater. So I have ambition. I had ambitions to be an actor. And I was auditioning a time before the pandemic commercials voiceover you do voice work. Right, right. And I was writing a my friend and I wrote a pilot together. But honestly, since I've started my podcast, I've just discovered this whole new world, like this whole new thing that I love. And I'm kind of like really doubling down on that. So I'm hoping to get a job in radio in the next couple months, I'm going to try to get a job as like a radio person. And then as I say, Yeah, that would be really cool. I will see what happens. And I think I'm just going I mean, I have this unique opportunity where I don't have to work right now. So I put most of my effort into my show.

Michele Baci:

That's so cool. Because you start something like a podcast and you you really do open up another worlds where you're like, wow, people do this in all different kinds of ways. It's kind of like a new medium for storytelling. Yeah. So it does open up what radio is and is becoming and how we get the news. Like, I didn't realize until I was in it, too.

Rocky Powell:

That the whole that there is like there's this wild world of podcast, there's so many for so many genres, anything that you could possibly want to listen to. There's a podcast for it.

Michele Baci:

Yeah. And I like I've gotten my mom into podcasts, like the older generation is getting into it. Yeah, cuz I was just like, I told her, like, how to open the app. She listens to Therapy Roulette, like she, you know, does stuff I never would expect my parents to do. Yeah, yeah. And then the younger kids are probably gonna listen to podcasts. So it's just like the future of radio, the future of journalism.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah, it's really cool. And then even So today, my I released my 25th episode. And I was like, wow, I have a catalogue of work. Yeah. If somebody that I could tell someone to go listen to or kind of, like, you know, I with my show, I'll do sometimes in the opening, I'll tell a story from my life. Or I write a topical poem or a jingle about you know, something that just like comes to me, it usually comes to me, I'll be stoned, and I'm back. This would be a funny, but some of them like, I'm really proud of them. And I I never, um, up until I broke that pilot last year, I'd never really considered myself a writer. And now my podcast has shown me that I am and I can and I do and it's

Michele Baci:

pretty cool. Yeah, I love that. Let me know how your journey into radio goes. Because I've been thinking like maybe down the road I'll pursue professional podcasting to because there's so many jobs there's so many opportunities. I never like you know, knew existed until recently, saying, Yeah, that's so cool. I was listening to the the one maybe two episodes ago of yours. Were you doing like the fuck boy rundown? Oh, yeah. That was last week. Yeah. Can I ask what was the inspiration behind that? Was it like you were listening to some straight white male content? Or was it just like people need to know?

Rocky Powell:

I Okay, so this is actually pretty funny that you asked what the inspiration for that was. I had a different intro planned. Um, and I do for the most part, I get the interview that I've done for the week, edited beforehand. And then I write the intro and what's called the rocky rundown, which is like, it's what this is what happened to me this week. Yeah.

Michele Baci:

I like that little title for it. Oh, thank

Rocky Powell:

you. I write that on Saturday and Sunday, usually as close to the episodes getting released on Monday as possible. So last Sunday, I was at my parents house in Connecticut. It was my mom's birthday. And my mom likes CBD. She's like, recently got into CBD. So I went and got her. You know, she's been asking Should I go I'm out of my CBD. Could you like pick me up some more and so I got her some what I thought was like, Great CBD for her birthday. And she told me when she took it, she was like, that is really strong, but I thought she she wasn't acting like crazy, but she was definitely stoned. And I was like, Oh, she's just like, not used to smoking or she's not used to like taking edibles, but she handled herself really well. So I had no reason to believe that the CBD was as strong as it was.

Michele Baci:

It was 25 milligrams. It had THC in it.

Rocky Powell:

I don't think so. When I bought it, it was just CBD. I'm at their house on Sunday. And I'm like, oh, I'll just it'll take me two hours to edit. I have my intro written. I'll write it out. record it, edit it. Boom, that episode will be good to go for Monday. But maybe I'll take CBD because you know it's just supposed to relax. It's supposed to be a body high it's supposed to relax you it's not gonna mess up

Michele Baci:

my ex if it doesn't have THC. It's not supposed to at all effect like you're thinking girl.

Rocky Powell:

I was messed up. So 25 milligrams of CBD and I was messed I was some edible. Yeah, it was a little gummy. And it took me Words to record my episode 25

Michele Baci:

it's 25 milligrams in one edible yeah of CBD. That sounds like a lot though.

Rocky Powell:

Well I'm used to taking like 50 milligrams of THC and barely feeling anything. I'm very big pothead. I like used to. I'm like, Oh, I can handle 25 milligrams of CBD. He about knocked me on my ass and so I'm trying to edit the intro. I'm like struggling and then I got really insecure about the story I told Yeah, just started like brainstorming stuff. And so that's where the fuckboys thing came. I like really wrote it out at probably 1230 in the morning, Sunday night into Monday morning, brought it out recorded and edited it as the CBD was wearing off, but I had a whole different intro.

Michele Baci:

That's funny because that's when you know you're high when the insecurity start coming out and you're like, raging it's like, almost out of body and security. You're like what is this? Why am I daddy everything I've ever done?

Rocky Powell:

It was the insecurity on this little gummy was raging inside me I couldn't get ahold of it and I can usually I don't whenever I'm working on my podcast I don't like get high just because I get too distracted. And I just thought I was getting a nice body hi and I drugged my

Michele Baci:

this was not the therapeutic edible you thought it was not in the slide. It's not in the slider. That's funny. Yeah, I was wondering if the fuck boy less was like, like inspired by something Joe Rogan said, I was like, where does this coming from?

Rocky Powell:

I did one time. My I think it was like episode five or something. I wrote a poem called what I bang an alien. And that was inspired by a host of Joe Rogan's, actually because he's like the aliens are coming in 180 days. Yeah, that tracks.

Michele Baci:

It's I feel like my boyfriend who I live with is always listening to Rogan. He's always like, you got to listen to this. Like, it's about aliens. It's about your mind. It's about like the science thing that I personally would never look into. But I'm like, Okay, if it's that interesting. I'll try.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I do. I listen to Joe Rogan sometimes, um, if I really like the guests, like if he has like a superstar guest on I was actually before I jumped on with you. I was listening to his episode with Whitney Cummings. Oh, yeah, that's a good,

Michele Baci:

that would be a good one for me to listen to. Because I'm always like, yeah, you know, I think Rogan is a good interviewer. But sometimes I'm like, I don't need to hear every single podcast he puts out because he's always doing it.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah, he's been doing it pretty consistently, I think since 2011. And he puts out like two or three episodes a week and it's crazy. Do you have like a favorite favorite podcast that you listen to?

Michele Baci:

Yeah, I like a lot of the dating ones. I love like, okay, cool buyer. I like guys, we fucked Something about like relationships. I find that fascinating. And it's also like too much information about people's personal lives. So it's so much Those are my favorite ones. And then they're usually comedy, like, mixed with comedy, too. Yeah. But woody Cummings. I've been listening to hers too. And I like how vulnerable she gets. She's just like, here's everything about me. And then she like, kind of gets out of her gas too. Yeah,

Rocky Powell:

I listened to every episode. I listened to that since it came out. Because I actually um, I listened to Krista Leah's podcast, okay, before he was camped was like the thing my brother

Michele Baci:

and I he got cancelled. I haven't followed up on it.

Rocky Powell:

He got canceled. But then he he was basically he put out a apology on YouTube apology four months ago, right? apology and then he started doing his podcast. Now he doesn't have sponsors, but he does Patreon. I don't listen to it anymore. I'm just like, you know, I really enjoyed it beforehand. There's something about it, where it's like, there's so much content out there, even though I thought he was a really funny comedian. And I'm sure his podcast is still funny. There's something about like, there's so many accusations, even if I think it's funny, like there's no reason for me to kind of like, support this when I there are so many other great podcasts. Yeah, I for you. That's Yeah, I was just kind of like, I listened to for his first couple episodes. And then I'm like, Am I doing this to like, prove a point to cancel culture? Like, oh, I don't I don't follow what the mob does. But then I'm like, uh, this guy kind of like tried to bang really young girls and that's not really cool. And I don't really need to like I don't need to like put him on blast, but maybe I don't need to listen either anymore. Yeah, something

Michele Baci:

about it where I can't quite separate, like the shit you've done in real life from your art. It's like, totally does intersect and then it changes the way you look at someone.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah, you know, and so even that apology, you kind of knew that he knew that things he was doing were problematic. So I think you know, I don't think his whole career should be over. He should there should you know he should make his living doing whatever, but I don't need to be one of the people that's like, you know, he's not Bill Cosby.


You know,

Michele Baci:

but it still needs to be like writing fan mail, or like buying all of his tickets, you could just let him do his thing.

Rocky Powell:

You can go do your thing over there, but I don't need to, like make that part of my stratosphere.

Michele Baci:

Yeah, that's fair. So I like that that year, you know, cognizant of what content you're supporting. You're a fan of podcasts that probably Yeah, bodes well for your own podcast, because you're listening to like, all the other content going on.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah. And I tried to listen to I listened to a ton of indie podcast during the week. That's awesome. are you on? Are you on Twitter? I almost said, are you on? Twitter? I'm

Michele Baci:

on Twitter. Yeah.

Rocky Powell:

Um, well, I have to follow you after this, if I might already be following you. But I, um, there's so many indie podcasts on Twitter. And there's it's such a supportive community.

Michele Baci:

Yeah, I tried to do that, too, where I took a podcast class in the winter. And every everyone was either like about to start a podcast or was pretty new to it. And I want to just like support all those people. I want to like, rise up people who are on my level, because, yeah, it's the hardest. In the beginning. You have to like really support people.

Rocky Powell:

You have to really support people, because people will, you know, fall off their episodes or,

Michele Baci:

you know, they think no one's listening. Like, if you just say like, one nice thing I think it really makes my day probably helps people way more than you think.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah. So that's why I tried to like even on my computer, now I have a ton of tabs open of indie podcasts on Twitter that I want to check out. And I just like go down the line. But I try to listen to like, I would say two or three indie podcasts a day. And I listened to them at two and a half speed to two and a half speed so I can really pump through them. Yeah, you

Michele Baci:

were saying that in the episode I was listening to and I was like, I was like, that's a good idea. But also, I can't do that. Like I'm impressed. For me like I because I do listen to podcast sometimes at my job. When I'm doing like accounting or when I'm doing like opening the mail like stuff. You could kind of tune out a little bit, of course, but I'm always multitasking. So I want to slow down the speed. Like I want quicksand podcast sometimes to like process the information better.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah, I'm able to get it. But I did work myself up to 2.5 speed. That was not

Michele Baci:

easy. Yeah, it's a muscle you belt. That's awesome. I'll follow you on Twitter. What's your Twitter so we all can follow you. It's at wild Knights pod. Okay. Yeah, I'll check you out. It's a great way to connect with other artists. Absolutely. Do you find like your Are you creativity? Creativity? graph? Is your creativity fulfilled during the pandemic like through podcasting? Or have you found another way to be creative?

Rocky Powell:

Well, it's funny, I have felt really creatively fulfilled through since December. And before that, I actually good thing to admit this on Therapy, Roulette, I was actually looking into going back to school and becoming a therapist. Um, and I thought that I, you know, would be really good doing that I love listening to people I, I love you know, if I can help someone mentally, I actually wanted to go down the road of therapy, where eventually my clients would be taking silicided in, which is the, you know, that chemical compound and magic mushrooms, and it's like, the happy, like, there's a lot of studies showing that that can drastically change people's brains in a more positive way and make people more empathetic. So I, I spent probably like, June to November, like getting my ducks in a row talking to an online school about how I would get my degree and go back and I got really excited about it. And then I realized, like, I'm gonna be in a ton of student loan debt. I'm not gonna I'm in which I already am. I'm not going to be done with my degree for like three or four years, I'm going to be in front of a computer like listening to lectures all day. And I just love comedy so much that I knew that even if I was doing something fulfilling the part of me that needs to be fulfilled, more my comedy, needs that more. And I have to nourish that. And then I started doing the podcast and it just, you know, it has me writing it has me connecting to people it I do feel, I wish that I had an intern to edit the episodes because if I had somebody editing the episodes, that wasn't me, I would probably try to be cranking out to a week.

Michele Baci:

Yeah, it's hard when you're doing like, all this production work by yourself. Everything. Yeah, eventually I feel like even if even if you post something now on you know, the internet, hey, I need an intern probably people will respond. So yeah, do you want it it might come to you.

Rocky Powell:

I could probably get that at but there is like, I don't know, I should probably get to that point. Because, you know, when I have to get a dog again, that's going to be that's going to be really hard. So I um, yeah, I feel like I have trust issues with like, I like it edited a certain way. So I'm like, you gotta just somebody will be able to get your style and pick up on it. So just, you know, relinquish a little bit of control be able to delegate so we'll see but that would be kind of cool.

Michele Baci:

Yeah, it's out there I've been talking about it since the beginning like I need an editor it would make my life so much easier. Yeah, let go of control I need to do everything myself, no matter how little sleep I'm getting. Cuz you know, it's like your child, you're like, no one can touch this. very protective.

Rocky Powell:

And then if you think about it, like think about major radio shows or major podcasts, they have huge,

Michele Baci:

giant teams. Some of them sound terrible. Like you're like, yeah, this is a team of 10 people. So who Okay, this? Yeah, exactly. So I don't want it to sound bad.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah, exactly. Or be bad or just like, not be solely you. But I'm like, eventually, if this takes off, which is what I really hope happens, I am going to have to relinquish some control and make it a team effort.

Michele Baci:

But speaking from my accounting knowledge, like you want to make it an asset, you don't want to make it a liability. So you don't want to be like pumping money into something you can't quite afford yet. You want to keep it exactly close to you as long as you can. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. That's so cool. I I've also been like, I think we're around the same age. I'm 30. And I've been totally like reflecting on my life too hard in the past year, where I'm like, should I be in school? Should I be pursuing this degree? You know, what am I doing with my life? Because I feel like, I'm never gonna have this time to reflect quite the way we have in the pandemic. And I yeah, Want to go to school, but I also don't really know. And it's, it's hard to like, figure out where should I be putting my time I've just been journaling a ton and trying to make the podcast works. I don't want to give up on it. I don't want to like quit before it sees its fruition. So yeah, for me, it's like definitely shouldn't podcasting. It's comedy. It's writing grad school, like, I'll toy with it. As the days go on. I'm not sure either.

Rocky Powell:

I've been trying to and I don't want to discourage you from going to grad school because you have to do like what's best for you. But there's just so I think after the year that we all just had creativity can an art can bring so much good into the world that it's like you know, if you're doing stand up and you came out to LA to pursue it, then just dive in. Like how quickly you'll be enveloped in that community. Because everybody I also heard LA is very much like oh, nobody knows who's who are like one second from making it. So everybody's like very it's true each other

Michele Baci:

like I think it's a lot easier than New York out here. Just because New York is hard like that city grinds you down. No one cares about you. La everyone's like kissing your ass all the time. Everyone's nice, because they don't know how not to be nice. Like it's very different.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah, that's when everyone says so I'm saying like if you made the move out there, and you already have a job that can like pay the bills, and you've got this really cool podcast, like just dive in the water spine like they probably need your stand up. So just go

Michele Baci:

Yeah, I don't know what you've been seeing about comedy, the comedy scene lately, but like, we need more women back in there. It's like, yeah, it's back to being all dudes. Like, we need the variety. So I think you're right.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah, there's, I have seen like, I follow a ton of La comedians, and it seems like they're all like crossing over on each other shows. And I see way I do see it in New York, but maybe I'm just not paying as much attention but I feel like there's more shows happening in LA than I than there are in New York. And I'm like, I want to go see stand up shows and support santam show so I'm trying to like keep my ear to the street with who's performing where and doing what

Michele Baci:

Sam I have to just like, tell myself to stop being so tired. Like go do the things that I love.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah. Do you have any friends out there who are also stand up that you could do like buddy like go do buddy shows with?

Michele Baci:

I do. I feel like everyone's kind of everyone I know is kind of half axcient now like I am where they're like what am I doing? Am I comedian and you know, I think because I know a lot of women, maybe we're all just doubting ourselves we should collect and go out there together because

Rocky Powell:

yeah, power numbers, power numbers, like you can't. That's one thing I've learned over the past couple years. It's like, you don't want to be the lone wolf, like stick with your tribe of people and like rise together because that's where it's at.

Michele Baci:

Yeah, like even Whitney Cummings, she on the surface. She seems like a lone wolf. But her podcast is all about connecting with people. Like she's trying to make friends. As a 38 year olds like huge success. She's trying to reconnect with people.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah. And you She was able to do it. There are so many comedians from Whitney Cummings life that have I been they've been put on my radar because I, cuz she brought them up. You know what I mean? I don't think I would have known who Annie Lederman. Is that her friend. Yeah. He's so funny. I wouldn't have known who she was. I knew who little Esther was. Because last so cool. Yeah, so watch that show. Esther. povitsky. Yes, her stand up specials. Great, too. But um, you kind of look like her actually.

Michele Baci:

Thank you. That's a compliment. Yeah, she's gorgeous. I think she's so funny. But she had that show alone together. Loved it. Yeah. Love. That was a great premise. That was like, guy and girl stuck. Always together not dating, but like, why not?

Rocky Powell:

Yeah, investment and they were stand up. Mm hmm. So that show and but it wasn't like about them being stand up such I was so great. I hated that. It was only two seasons. But yeah. Whitney was friends with little Esther. And I was like, Oh, yeah, I know her from alone together. And it just shows you like, people really want to pull each other up or watching Dave Chappelle with his camp and Ohio and just pretty great.

Michele Baci:

Yeah, it's all a network. So I think you're right, I'm going to get back out there. You should you're gonna get into radio, we're gonna rise to the top Rocky.

Rocky Powell:

I would love that. And then we can like 20 years from now we can get I can remember when we're talking on the podcast.

Michele Baci:

Remember, we had that zoom and then everything changed. Our lives change forever, but it really could happen. It could you see it all the time, especially in LA like, just because I did move cross country. I'm like, so much shit has happened to me in the past three years, just because like, I've been consciously saying, like, I'm going to take the steps to like book this show. Let's do this, Mike. And yeah, you see things happen for yourself. You'd have to go out and do them.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah, you have to put yourself like in alignment with it. Like, oh, it is a lot of I don't know, if you're a big manifester.

Michele Baci:

I support it. I listened to ariana grande de sang about it.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah, it's a real it is a real thing. Like I I go hot and cold with manifesting when I really sit down and like, put the pedal to the metal and I'm like, I'm gonna focus on this, but it is true. You can manifest all you want. But if you're not doing the work that's matching the things you want. It's not just going to like Mr. Hollywood's not knocking on the door like, hey, you're gonna be a star kid. Yeah, it ain't happening. You're just gonna age

Michele Baci:

for sure. Like Mr. Hollywood was gonna be like, go back to Kansas. Like what? happened?

Rocky Powell:

Topeca is calling.

Michele Baci:

Yeah. Very true. couldn't have said it better. So it's toward the end of the episode, would you like Do you have something you want to vent about? And or we could spend the roulette wheel and I could give you a topic to tell me something about?

Rocky Powell:

Honestly, I'm in a great mood. I don't have anything to vent about is very hot in the room I'm in but that's like the least of my troubles. Um, let's spin that wheel. Okay, fun.

Michele Baci:

Let's do it. By the way. How is the subway? Is it clean? Like I'm coming to New York soon. What should I prepare for it?

Rocky Powell:

You want me to be honest with you? I honestly, I find it very scary. It's gotten really scary.

Michele Baci:

Just like sketchy or dirty.

Rocky Powell:

Dirty is not it's pretty clean. Because they shut them down. I think they just went to full service and they shut them down. I think like from two to five before that in the morning to clean them out. So it um, I have run into like some sketchy characters. My brother saw someone get their face sliced open. Oh, my God saw somebody with a meat cleaver. You know, I you know,

Michele Baci:

what's, what's train line?

Rocky Powell:

I think different. Like one was on the end line. One was on the L line. Wow. And that's just the vibe is like scary. I'm actually going to a friend's tomorrow night or tomorrow afternoon. And I told myself like, I'm going to and she's off the G train. So I got to take a few trains to get back to where I'm at. But I told myself, I'm like, you know what, I think I'm going to leave like 20 minutes before sunset. Even though I might want to ride out the night. They're like, because I don't want to pay for an Uber and I don't really want to go to walk to the subway when it's dark. And maybe I'm being dramatic. But I mean, I've been taking the subway for 10 years. Never felt scared would take it at any time. And yeah, the post pandemic subway is I think it's good. Broadway shows come back though. I think I think the city's gonna clean up for company.

Michele Baci:

Yeah. It makes sense to me. And I mean, because I know in in Los Angeles, right where I am in Long Beach. Like, you see sketchy shit going down at nighttime. And so like, Yeah, why not? I could avoid the subway at night. I could do that. Yeah, yeah.

Rocky Powell:

I actually the one time I went to LA I took the subway and I had never been more scared in my life.

Michele Baci:

It's different. It's very different. They're very much like a nine to five subway here. They're like, after work. We don't care. Yeah, yeah. So different. Let me spin the wheel. Okay, this is so exciting. Okay, it says obsessed. What are you obsessed with Rocky?

Rocky Powell:

Okay, what am I obsessed with? Let's think. Um I honestly, I have been lately really obsessed with the TV show Big Brother.

Michele Baci:

Okay. Was it expected that

Rocky Powell:

I'm really obsessed with that one of my best friends has been telling me for a couple years now to watch it. And I like was hesitant. And she was a fan from the beginning. And then I started at season 16 she's like, start at 16 you'll be hooked. I've bounced around, but I love it. I just like it gets so crazy manipulative by the end I bet and they are like backstabbing each other and just the some of them are ruthless with their allies. It's crazy. So I I only think I don't like about it is that I definitely could be like 10 episodes less. They could trim a lot of fat on that show. But yeah, I'm obsessed with big brother.

Michele Baci:

It's good to know. I like never worked on the show. But I know people who piayed on it. And it's like, round the clock drama.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah, I can't imagine it wouldn't because, and I just found out recently they're not allowed to have a pin. They're not allowed to have the paper. Oh, um, do and I've noticed I'm watching one of the all star season okay. Somebody put like a knife to somebody's neck in one of the earlier seasons. So they stopped having alcohol. But I've noticed that in the all star season they have been drinking alcohol.

Michele Baci:

Okay, so it's like one of those social experiment reality shows? Yeah. Yeah. And who's actually who's the host of the season? You're watching? Is it Julie Chen? Always Julie Chow is surely chat. Okay.

Rocky Powell:

Always Julie Chen. And sometimes she comes real heavy with her cross game. There was one episode. Like three crosses. I was like, Girl you are getting into heaven, don't you? That's funny. Hey,

Michele Baci:

she is a big personality. I working at CBS. Like you see these talk show host and you're like, Okay, like they have a thing. They're going forward. You can't convince them otherwise.

Rocky Powell:

Wow. See, I would I'm surprised that you said she's a big personality. Because I would feel like she would just be like, quiet into herself and like, very poise.

Michele Baci:

I think she's a power player for sure. Wow. Yeah. I

Rocky Powell:

mean, she's been hosting Big brother. I think it's 22 seasons. She's hosted every season right? And the celebrity seasons.

Michele Baci:

I think she's finally on her last season. Like she she gave some outdate where she's like, I'm gonna be done after this season.

Rocky Powell:

Wow. That means there's going to be an opening for a host of Big Brother.

Michele Baci:

Yes. Put in my application. Okay, that's good to know. Yeah, she she was drama on the CBS lab, but it was like mostly her husband so I guess she got dragged into it.

Rocky Powell:

Yeah, cuz she after that his scandal then she's always like, um, Julie Chen Moonves. Yeah,

Michele Baci:

I she gets the moon stand with the Moonves. Yeah. It's like good for you, woman like do your thing you wear your crosses. True. Well, Rocky, we come to the end. Tell us where to find you how to find your podcast, all that good stuff.

Rocky Powell:

Sure thing. So I'm on Instagram and Tiktok at wild nights with rocky on twitter at wild nights pod you can email me at while not at wild nights with rocky at gmail. My regular Instagram handle is rocky with two i's R-O-C-K-I-I-X, Bal oa. So you can follow me on th re. And I put out episodes of my podcast every Monday. And th y're on Spotify, Apple po cast, Google podcast. si plecast. And the live version go s on YouTube A few days la er.

Michele Baci:

Very nice. And you have a great podcast voice. So keep it up. Thank you. So do you. So do you. Thank you.

Rocky Powell:

I can't wait to watch your stand up. Oh,

Michele Baci:

likewise, I like to see you perform someday maybe we can connect.

Rocky Powell:

That'd be great. Well really let me know when you're in New York because it would be great to grab a drink or hang out and just chat. So you have to let me know when you come back for sure. It'll be like way chiller they're already getting so laughs

Michele Baci:

and so it'll be way chiller will avoid the subway together. We will have to Okay. Thank you, Rocky.

Rocky Powell:

Thank you so much for having me.

Michele Baci:

Of course. This has been Therapy Roulette consent to vent!. If you enjoyed this episode a few very quick things you could do to help the podcast are leaving a review Review, you can leave me a review on rate this slash therapy, or you can leave a review. Wherever you listen to podcasts. It only takes a couple seconds to do and it really helps spread the word. tell a friend about the podcast, anyone who's into mental health or comedy, or who needs to, like, hear about mental health and comedy. If you think they'd like the podcast, tell them text them share the link. It really helps. It's just tell people about the podcast. Thank you so much for listening. I'll be back with a new episode in two weeks. So not next Thursday. But The following Thursday.

Theme Song: Therapy Roulette:

Consent to Vent / Trauma disguised as comedy / Therapy Roulette: Consent to Vent / If you dont have problems, then youre likely repressing sh*t and you should find a therapist/ (Whos not me)